Protecting Your Personal Information Credit Cards

We all know that criminals are out there, waiting to steal our credit card information.  These very criminals want credit card information so they can run up the charges then leave you holding the bags - with nothing to show for it.  Even though some are local, most credit card criminals are in far away lands.  Worse than that, they like to hide or go by other names so it’s virtually impossible to track them down. The most common way for criminals to get credit card information is through phishing, which involves a fake email that appears to be sent from your credit card company.  Normally, this fake email states that there was an error with your account, or that it was accessed by unauthorized personnel and needs your...

Ideal Offers For Credit Cards

With many people, looking for the best credit is a very tough task.  Even though there really is no “best” credit card, there are credit cards out there that are the best for you.  There are many different types of credit cards available, some that may be for you and some that won’t.  With so many to choose from, it can be tough finding your ideal credit card. No matter type of lifestyle you have, how much money you are looking to spend, or how you plan to use your credit card, the one thing you should always pay very close attention to when choosing your card is the APR.  Most people, choose the credit cards with the lowest APR, which gives you better interest rates.  The lower the number of APR you can get, the...

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